Taxi and Diving Boat
Taxi «Stipe» is your ideal boat service (24 hours per day, minimum 1 maximum 11 person) for visiting Šibenik arhipelago, river Krka, lake Prokljan, national park Krka and Kornati. We guarantee you safe and pleasant journey in hands of our experienced skiper and knowlegable guide to the picturesque islands and bays of region where you and your friends or family enjoy along the most beautiful Dalmacija Coast. It is your decision where and how long you wish to stay and enjoy in a charming isolated bay enjoying on the crystal clear sea, far away from crowd and noise, sun-bathing on the desk of the boat, swiming or diving.
General manager Stipica Birin
mob: +385 (0)98 9196 233
Contact Antonia Bastić Birin
mob: +385 (0)98 1914 597
We speak German, English, French and Italian